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Tuesday 12th

Tuesday 12th January 2021


Good Morning,


I hope you received your invites to our 10 minute zoom house catch up tomorrow, if you didn't let me know,thanks.


Today in English, we will be carrying work on a diary entry. In maths, more multiplication.

It's Tuesday so it's ICT and PE. Plus the next instalment of our story.



Miss Spooner :)


Watch the video and the PowerPoint is there to help you do the activities. We are looking at fronted adverbials today.

Fronted Adverbials

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Today Group 1 you are going to be multiplying TO x O.

Group 2 you are going to be working on your 8 times table. 

Watch your video and complete the worksheet.

Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit part 1

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Multiply by 8

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Today we are going to combine the two and link it with our science topic of Sound. On Purple Mash, I have set 2Explore to see if you can create a piece of music using different instruments. If you are not sure what to do, click on the play button I have circled in the picture below and it will explain how to use it.

PE -AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)

How many of the different activities can you do? Push yourself but don't hurt yourself.


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26-Storey Treehouse part 4.mp4

Still image for this video