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Wednesday 16th December 2020


Good Morning, 

I hope you are well and taking care of each other.


I have loved seeing the drawings and ideas of what you think Dorey has been doing and I can see you are enjoying doing the Purple Mash taskslaugh


I hope you enjoyed making the snowflakes yesterday. How are your sleighs going?


Some more activities for you to try today. Don't forget you can always go back and look at the previous days activities too. There are tasks to do on Purple Mash and Mathletics.


Miss Spooner x

A couple of short stories about Santa and a few questions to answer. The answers are on the PowerPoint too.


A few activities today. 

If you want to practise your times tables have a go at the Tables Teaser (link below).

There's a times table square to help you.

Wrap Up Warm

Still image for this video
Remember you will need to work out the answers as you watch the video (so have pencil and paper ready). Remember just try your bestwink

Fun Activities

Dorey's Quiz

Dorey has sent you an Elf on the Shelf quiz to do. Maybe you could get others to do it with you. The answers are at the bottom. Some of the questions are the same as the quiz we did in school so I hope you remember the answerslaugh

How to draw the Grinch.

A step by step guide on how to draw the Grinch.
