Design and Technology
The INTENT of our DT curriculum is to provide plenty of opportunities to apply and strengthen essential skills required in the designing, making and evaluating of an effective product for a given purpose. ASPIRE to develop the children’s understanding of technical vocabulary and articulate the skills that they have applied describing the material and features of the product that they have made.
It is our aim in DT that all children:
ACHIEVE by ensuring that the children are well-equipped with useful technical knowledge to support them in the design and making of their product.
Are SUPPORTED in understanding how to use tools and equipment appropriately and carefully
Show PRIDE in evaluating the effectiveness of their product as well as the skills that they have applied
Are INSPIRED to become independent, creative problem solvers and thinkers as individuals and part of a team.
RESPECT and identify some of the great designers and techniques in history
ENJOY carrying out research, designing and making their own individualised products