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The INTENT of our reading curriculum is to ensure all children ASPIRE to develop a love and appreciation of reading. Children will develop an interest in reading a range of genres and authors; using their phonetic skills, fluency and expression to gain knowledge of the world around them. At Warrender School, we are dedicated to making our children confident and inquisitive lifelong readers, enhancing their opportunities and experiences.


It is our aim in reading that all children:

ACHIEVE by learning to read through our synthetic phonics programme, Read Write Inc. This programme aims to teach children to recognise, sound out and blend words in order to read and write fluently.

RESPECT books for the varied knowledge and support they provide, whether this be academic, emotional or social support for themselves or their peers.

Take PRIDE in using their reading skills to discover more of the world around them, introducing them to new subjects and allowing them to delve further into their appreciation and interest of reading.

Show ENJOYMENT in the books they choose to explore and share with friends and family.

INSPIRE others to become skilled, confident and investigative readers through their individual passion for reading.

SUPPORT not only friends and family but also their own reading experiences by having the confidence to explore genres, using the vocabulary they have developed through reading. Children are expected to support their own reading experiences but continuing their love of reading outside of school.



Warrender's Learning Journey in Reading

Reading Schemes

Reception and Key Stage One children are on the Read Write Inc. programme for teaching early reading.  After this children begin Reading Eggs online reading program which then progresses onto Reading Eggspress which continues throughout Key Stage Two.  Phonics teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. 


Children learn the English alphabetic code: first they learn one way to read the 40+ sounds and blend these sounds into words, then learn to read the same sounds with alternative graphemes. Children identify special friends (digraphs) in words, use Fred talk and Fred in your Head for segmenting and blending sounds as tools to help them read. They also have catchy rhymes to aid them with letter formation and digraphs. 


Phonic books, that children are sent home with, are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and ‘tricky’ words and, as children re-read the stories, their fluency increases.


Introducing a new 'Special Friend'

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When we introduce a digraph (2 letters that make 1 sound), we call them 'Special Friends'.

Speedy Green Words

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When we are reading new words, we look for 'Special Friends', 'Fred Talk' (segment the sounds) then we 'Read the Word'!

Read Write Inc Resources to support at home

RWI - top tips for parents video

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High Quality Texts in Our Curriculum


Throughout each year, children will study a range of high quality texts such as Super Hero Gran, Handa's Surprise, Kensuke's Kingdom and Letters from the Lighthouse. All texts are linked closely to our half termly topics. As part of these reading sessions and whole class reading, children will spend time developing a range of reading skills.


At Warrender, we use our Reading VIPERS to aid us with developing these skills. 


Recommended Top-Reads - Below you will find a list of fun and engaging books we have put together for you, personalised to your child’s year group.
