Friday 22nd January 2021
Good Morning,
It was lovely to see so many of you yesterday. If you didn't manage to make it, don't worry hopefully you will get the chance next week.
Today you are going to tell me all about your Anglo-Saxon god. Our last day too of doing work on multiplication and division.
In your topic work, you will be creating a timeline and an illuminated letter.
Plus another instalment of 'The Explorer'.
If you have been reading 'The Ice-cream Villain' on Purple Mash the story will continue next week.
Please upload your English and your history timeline into your portfolio.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Spooner :)
Today you are going to write up and tell you all about your Anglo-Saxon god. Watch the video to see what you have to do. My examples are below the video.
Group 1, more work on dividing with remainders. Watch the video and do the worksheet as you go along.
Group 2, today you are doing more work on multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit. Watch the video and do the worksheet as you go along.
Topic - History
Anglo-Saxon and Vikings Timeline
Watch the video and then put the events in chronological order. Either on your own written timeline or print out the sheet. Then upload to your portfolio please.
Topic - Art - Illuminated Letters
Today you get the chance to create/colour your illuminated letter that your name begins with.
Read and listen to the PowerPoint and then either print off the page you want from the pdf or create your own design.