Friday 29th January 2021
Good Morning,
Here we are at the end of another week already. It was great to see those of you who could make it to our house chats. Remember, there will be another one next week.
Today, you have work linked to Arthur and the Golden Rope and Arthur as a hero. In maths, your last day on area. You will also be finding out about Viking longboats and either draw one or make a collage of one or create a 3d longboat.
Remember there may be tasks for you to do on Purple Mash and Mathletics for you to do as well.
Please send me your maths and a photo of your longboat on portfolio.
Have a great weekend
Miss Spooner :)
Today you are going to think about why Arthur was the 'unlikeliest of heroes' and give five reasons why he was a great hero. You must back up your statements with evidence from the book. For instance, Arthur was brave because.... or Arthur was clever because... (There is a sheet below you can use or write them in your book).
If you want to listen to the whole story with sound effects and animation to help you click the link below (otherwise go back and look at the PowerPoints from this week).
Once you have done that think of 3 more adventures that Arthur might go on.
Today you have questions linked to all the work you have been doing on area this week. I know that you are going to have no problems completing it.
Topic History - Viking Longboats
The Vikings were excellent sailors. Learn all about this and their ships. Watch the video link and write down 10 facts you have learnt. In the clip:
'Orm describes a Viking longship and explains what life was like on board. Long, sleek and fast longships were designed to travel up narrow rivers and held up to 120 men. On the prow was the head of a fierce creature to frighten the spirits of the land that the Vikings were raiding. Orm describes the Vikings' food, sleeping arrangements and how they steered the ship by sun, stars and knowledge passed on by earlier raiders.'
Topic - ART/DT - How to Make a Viking Longboat
If you feel up to the challenge of making a 3D Viking Longboat then follow the instructions in the pdf below. There is a template pdf to help and guide you too (be aware it is not to scale). OTHERWISE create a collage/drawing of a longboat.