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School Opening Hours




School Day Timings

Nursery Holly Morning Session is 8:30-11:30am

Nursery Hazel Afternoon Session is 12:30-3:30pm

Please ensure that you drop off and pick up your child on time. Late arrivals are very disrupting to the rest of the nursery class.



Infants and Juniors 

Start of the school day: Infants and Juniors

Children arrive at school in the morning and are supervised in classes by school staff. All children should be in class by registration time.

Infants should arrive between 8:30-8:40am for register at 8:40am

Juniors should arrive between 8:35-8:45am for register at 8:45am

Please try to ensure that Junior children DO NOT arrive at school before 8:35am as it causes congestion at the school gate.


Infant children arriving after 8:40am should report to the school office and will be recorded as late. Junior children arriving after 8:45am will be recorded as late. Children arriving after 9am will be recorded as absent for the morning session. This will be recorded as unauthorised absence unless evidence can be provided to explain a late arrival to school


End of the school day: Infants finish at 3:10pm and Juniors finish at 3:15pm.


Total Number of hours per week: 32.5 hours


