This year's writing competition is inspired by our wonderful author visit from the award winning writer Kieran Larwood, author of the Legend of Podkin and the Dungeon Runners series of books. Kieran Larwood likes to draw maps as his starting point for writing a novel, creating his fantasy land and the characters who live there. (Key stage 2 children have already created their own maps in class. You can use your map or draw another one at home.)
For this writing competition I would like you to write a fantasy story set in a land inspired by your map. (Below is the link to Kieran Larwood's map making video that you can watch to help you create your own map.) Children in years 1 and 2, can you please draw a map of your magical kingdom and write a few sentences about the characters who live there and what happens to them. They can be people, animals or mystical creatures.
A few hints for story writing:
The winning entries in the 3 categories (Years 1 and 2, 3 and 4 and 5 and 6) will be published in our next Blue News, displayed on our celebrating writing display and sent to the author himself, Kieran Larwood. Prizes will also be presented to the winners and runners up.
The closing date for entries is Wednesday 11th December. Please come and see me in Oak Class if you have any questions about the competition. Myself and the Year 6 librarians are very much looking forward to seeing your maps and reading your stories.
Mrs Close