What is Pupil Premium funding?
The Pupil Premium grant was introduced by the government to enable schools to target specific funding towards pupils whose circumstances are likely to have an impact on their progress and attainment.
Who can apply?
Each school receives additional funding for all pupils who have registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any time during the last 6 years.
The grant is available for three groups of children
· Children from lower-income families who qualify for a Free School Meal (FSM).
· Children who are looked after (i.e., in the care of the Local Authority).
· Children of service personnel.
How is the funding used?
The additional funding is used to overcome any emotional, social and academic barriers to learning and ensure all pupils have similar experiences and opportunities as their peers. Examples of spending include helping to fund school trips, sports lessons, music lessons, introducing new cultural experiences and additional emotional, social & academic support in school.
Do You?
Receive Income Support?
Receive Universal Credit?
Receive Income-based Jobseekers’ Allowance?
Receive Income-related Employment and Support Allowance?
Receive support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999?
Receive the guaranteed element of Pension Credit?
Receive Child Tax Credit?
We may be eligible to receive Pupil Premium to provide more support at school. Pupil Premium does not impact your benefits.
How do I apply?
To find out if you are eligible, please click on the link below, add your details and we will let you know the outcome.
Please click here to let us know
Can I get help applying?
Please contact Mrs Sampson in strictest confidence on: 01895 462355
Please read the attached documents to find out more about Pupil Premium funding at Warrender school and how to apply.