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Meet the Governors

Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.  We have also provided an Annual Statement of Governance and a Register of Governor Interests for your information.

School Governing Body


A warm welcome to Warrender Primary School from the Governing Body. 


The current members of the Governing Body are as follows:








LA Governor



Parent Governor



Parent Governor



Co-opted Governor

 Vice Chair


Co-opted Governor




Co-opted Governor


Co-opted Governor




Co-opted Governor





Co-opted Governor






Co-opted Governor



Staff Governor




Associate Governor






Clerk to Governors






A full list of the current Governing Body is displayed on the noticeboard inside the main entrance of the school.  Minutes of the Full Governing Body meeting are available on request to the Clerk.



About the Governing Body


The Education Reform Act 1988 considerably increased the responsibilities of Governing Bodies in all state controlled schools. School governors are responsible for overseeing virtually all aspects of school life, which are in turn delegated to the Head Teacher. She is responsible for the day to day running and organisation of the school.

The term of office is four years from the point of election, but occasionally a parent, co-opted or teacher governor may no longer be able to continue serving, or may become ineligible. In this case, an interim election will be held. All parents are kept informed of such developments.

The main forum of discussion is the meeting of the full Governing Body, held termly. Most business, however, is carried out in two sub-committees that address the following areas:

Children, Families & Learning

  • Curriculum incl. School Development Plan and Additional Educational Needs
  • Parents, Families and Communication
  • Community and Partnerships



  • Finance
  • Health and Safety
  • HR
  • Premises and other assets
  • Lettings


Members of the Governing Body serve on one of these sub-committees, the Head Teacher and the Chair of Governors on both. All Governors are assigned with specific aspects of the School to monitor.

Children, Families & Learning Committee

Rachael Marriott - Chair

Helen Brown (Headteacher)

George Armstrong

Charlotte Cook

Lyndsey Dudley

Michelle Davis

Wendy Maynard


Resources Committee

Tim Markham - Chair

Steven Baxter

Helen Brown (Headteacher)

Jayne Gettens (School Business Manager)

Wendy Maynard

Sean Murray

Jaspreet Rashid


Governing Body Register of Interests 2023/24



Full Name


Category of Governor


Declarations of Members’ Interests: Business, Educational and Personal

George ArmstrongCo-opted Governor
  • Employed at Harrow College and Magistrate at West London Local Justice Area

Steven Baxter

Co-opted Governor

  • Partner at Hymans Robertson LLP (HR LLP provide advice to LB Hillingdon on its pension scheme).  Children attend Warrender Primary School

Helen Brown

Charlotte Cook

Rachael Marriott

Asib Ali


Staff Governor

Parent Governor

Co-opted Governor

  • Employed by Warrender Primary School
  • Employed by Warrender Primary School
  • Employed by St Helens School.  Children attend Warrender Primary School
  • Employed by MiQ

Michelle Davis

Co-opted Governor

  • Employed by LB Hillingdon & Financial Representative at Ruislip United Synagogue

Tim Markham

Co-opted Governor

  • Hon Treasurer for Ruislip Northwood Old Folk Association

Wendy Maynard

Co-opted Governor

  • None

Sean Murray

Co-opted Governor

  • Employed by Fidelity International & Treasurer for Jelly Tots Pre School.  Child attends Warrender Primary School
Jaspreet RashidLA Governor
  • None



Let us have your feedback
The Governors at Warrender always welcome feedback from parents and carers about the school. If there are things that the school is doing well or if you feel there are aspects of school life that could be improved, please let us know so we can continue to improve our school. If you wish to feedback direct to the governing body about an aspect of the school or would like to attend any of the Full Governing Body meetings, please contact Wendy Maynard (Chair) via the School Office. Alternatively, you may submit general feedback about Warrender to Ofsted via their Parent View portal.


As Governors we will work with staff, parents and children to help create a safe and happy environment in which all children can aspire to achieve their potential.  We will provide positive challenge and support to the Leadership Team, ensuring that education is good and moving towards outstanding.  We will work to support every child and family whilst ensuring good links with the wider community.


If you require any further information from the governing body please email the Clerk at
