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Admissions (Nursery)

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Children generally start Nursery in the September after their 3rd birthday and will be offered either a morning or afternoon session.  The morning session runs from 8.30am to 11.30am and the afternoon session runs from 12.30pm to 3.30pm.  If you are offered a space we would expect your child to attend every morning or afternoon.


Places in nursery are dealt with directly by the school using the same criteria as for admissions to the Primary School as detailed in the school admissions section.  


As soon as your child is 2.5 years of age we welcome you to apply for a nursery place and if places are available we will contact you to ask if you would like an early start.


Please note that a place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the School.


Parents of children in the Nursery MUST apply for an infant school place through their Local Authority.


Please contact Mrs Sampson our Admissions Officer on the form below, stating: 

Your child’s name:

Your child's DOB:

Your child's home address including postcode:

Contact telephone number:

A preference of either a morning or afternoon session:

Nursery Interest
