Wednesday 24th February 2021
Good Morning
Today you will be finding out more about Henry VIII and writing a fact file about him. You will have the chance to start learning the Horrible Histories song about Henry's wives. Today, you will be subtracting fractions too. Plus test yourself in the quiz to see what you already know about healthy eating.
Please upload your maths and English today.
A reminder that we have our house chats:
Mars - 9:30
Neptune - 9:45
Venus - 10:00
Look forward to seeing you later
Miss Spooner :)
English/History -Henry VIII Fact File
Today you are going to create a fact file about Henry VIII. You are going to use the information you gathered yesterday and the facts from today's PowerPoint to hep you. Watch the video and then complete the activity. You can use the fact file worksheet below or create your own.
Today you are going to be subtracting fractions. Watch the video and complete the worksheet. The PowerPoint is below if you need to look at it.
Group 2 - complete questions 1-4.
Group 1 - complete questions 1-6.
Challenge question - 7
Topic -Music
You have listened and watched the Horrible Histories version - now it's your turn to learn the song! Listen to the track and see if you how well you get on. The lyrics are on the word document for you.
As part of the topic 'Healthy Henry' you will be looking at how to keep a healthy body and a healthy mind. Try this healthy eating quiz to see what you already know. Remember you will need to do it in slide show.
The second chapter of our new book today comes in 2 parts so make sure you listen to it in the correct order.