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Wednesday 3rd Feb

Good morning, 

Well done for all of your hard work this week and for engaging with lots of the activities linked to mental health week.

Please watch the video below and find attached the work for today.

Please message me if you have any questions. Enjoy your day! 

Mental Health Activity: 
Listen to Miss O'Shea reading Ruby's Worry. As your task for today, you create your own Worry Dolls. Why was it important for Ruby to share her worry? Who could you share your worries with? What happened to the worry when Ruby spoke about her feelings? Are you worried about anything at the moment? 

Worry Dolls are handmade dolls, most often made in Guatemala from wire, wool and small pieces of fabric. The dolls are often tiny, though Western versions can be much larger. Traditionally, the dolls are given to children to help them with their worries. Children will share their concerns with the dolls and then place them under their pillows where the worries will go away over night.

More information about how to make these can be found under the Warrender Well-being and Mental Health icon. 

Please watch Miss O'Shea's virtual lesson below all about capacity. Please open the worksheet below called Capacity Ordering and Sorting. 

TASK 1: Can you cut the pictures below and put them in the table by sticking them under full, half-full/half empty and empty. 

TASK 2: Can you cut the 6 cups of water out and put them in order from empty to full. Can you write what capacity they are below?



Watch the virtual Phonics lessons by Mrs Morris and Miss O'Shea. Please send your teacher any writing that you do in your Phonics lesson. These lessons can be found on the 'daily phonics' star on the previous page. 


Please click the link for some free E Books your child could read.



Have a look at the school story where you will find Mrs Walsh introducing the London Youth Challenges. Can you watch the video and copy the moves? Make sure to submit your scores. Good luck Aspen and Maple! 

Please find attached a selection of PE activities you could try out at home! 

03.02.2021 Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival

03.02.2021 Ordering and Measuring Capacities
