Tuesday 9th February 2021
Good Morning,
Hope that you are all keeping yourselves warm! I am enjoying watching the snow from the warmth of inside.
Today, you are going to be writing an introduction linked to our instructions. In maths, more work on equivalent fractions. Check out the school Sports page for PE ideas (link below), do some ICT on Purple Mash. You have some topic work to do too.
Please upload your maths and English.
Have a good day
Miss Spooner :)
You are going to be writing an introduction for your instructions today. Choose from your list you made last week what you instructions linked to your dragon you are going to use. Watch the video and then write your own. The PowerPoint and examples are below the video.
Today you are going to be carrying on your work about equivalent fractions. Watch the video and complete the worksheet.
Group 2 - complete questions 1 and 2.
Group 1 - complete questions 1, 2 and 4 (there is no question 3).
Challenge question 5.
More logo for you this week on Purple Mash. This time you are seeing if you can make it down the river rapids, good luck!
Click on the link below and scroll down to find the PSD activities on our sports page. Choose an activity that you can set up at home.
Topic - History/Art/Music
Click the link below which will take you the Viking Saga Songs 3 Goblins a go go! You don't need to learn the song (unless you want to) but listen to the story and then listen to the classical music by Grieg. Draw what you are imagining when you listen to the music. You can listen to the music as many times as you like.
Chapter 11 is in 2 parts, make sure that you watch the correct past first.