Week Beginning 1st March 2021
Good Morning Silver Birch,
One more week to go and hopefully next Monday we will all be back in class together. I am really looking forward to seeing you in person and not on a screen!
Our second week on our topic ‘Healthy Henry’ where we will carry on finding out about what life was like in Tudor times. In maths this week some challenges and problems to solve and games to play.
This week, it’s also World Maths Day and World Book Day so we will be celebrating them in our daily tasks.
We will carry on reading our book - Diver's Daughter: A Tudor Story.
Plus remember there are tasks on Purple Mash (I will be adding more), Mathletics and Bedrock Learning.
We have our three zoom sessions this week. I will put the codes back up on dojo.
Monday 9:15am - Registration zoom (recurring username and code)
Wednesday (times will be shared in a message weekly) - Wellbeing zoom
Thursday 2pm - Story time zoom (recurring username and code)
You will also have your usual Friday assembly zoom with Mr Smith.
Plus this week you will see you have got some daily PE tasks to do if you are for the challenge.
Any questions please remember to just pop a message on dojo. Any work I need to see put in your portfolio on dojo too. Keep up the good work and remember only one week to go!
Have a great week
Miss Spooner :)