Thursday 21st January
Good Morning Silver Birch,
It was great seeing the photos and videos of your science experiments yesterday. It looked like you were all having fun.
I am looking forward to those of you who can make it to our house chats today. Remember:
Mars - 11:00am
Neptune - 11:15am
Venus - 11:30am
Today you will planning your ideas for an Anglo-Saxon god, whilst in maths more work linked to multiplication and division. There is also a small bit of topic work and as it is Thursday, there's also French and PE.
Plus the next instalment of 'The Explorer'.
See lots of you later
Miss Spooner :)
Today, you are going to start coming up with ideas to create your own version of an Anglo-Saxon god. Either have pencil and paper ready or the worksheet (ideas worksheet below) and watch the video below.
Group 1, more work on division but today we will be starting to divide with calculations that have reminders. Watch the video and complete the tasks as you go along.
Group 2, you are continue with work on multiplication with another activity to do. Just like yesterday, no worksheet, watch the video and do the activities as you go along.
Topic - History
It was during these Anglo-Saxon times that people left their Anglo-Saxon gods behind and became Christian.
Click on the link to learn a little bit more of what happened.
Today you are going to use the alphabet to choose which fitness tasks you will have to do. Join Miss Spooner as she shows how to use it.
Dear Year 4,
I hope you enjoyed last week's PowerPoint and learning about pets in French. Did you have a go at saying them out loud? Well done for trying. This week I would like you to complete the 'Have You Got a Pet?' worksheet. If you cannot print it out, you could copy the worksheet onto a piece of paper and fill it in.
Bonne chance,
Madame Betson.