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Thursday 11th Feb

Good morning, 

Well done for all of your efforts so far this week, I have really enjoyed seeing what you are getting up to.
Please find the work and video attached below...

Any questions, please let me know.

Enjoy your day!
Miss O'Shea and Mrs Morris


Last week, we learnt all about number bonds to 5 and 10. How many can you remember? Today we are going to be filling in the missing gaps to write the number bond sentences to 10 and 20. Please watch Miss O'Shea's maths lesson below. 


Please find the sheet that suits your child best below. Can you help Samantha ensure she has 10 or 20 coins on each envelope ready for her Chinese New Year celebrations? Draw the correct amount of coins onto the red envelope and finish the number bond sentence. On the second page, you will find some blank red envelopes. Can you think of anymore number bonds to 10 or 20 you could make? You could print the second sheet out a few times, if you want to.


Music: Watch these videos showing Abbie and her brother get ready for Chinese New Year. On one of the last videos, it shows the parade and a Chinese Dragon dancing. How could you move in time with the music? You could create your own dragon moves to send to your teachers or you could copy the dance moves in this video. 



Watch the virtual Phonics lessons by Mrs Morris and Miss O'Shea. Please send your teacher any writing that you do in your Phonics lesson. These lessons can be found on the 'daily phonics' star on the previous page. 


Please click the link for some free E Books your child could read.



Can you paint your very own Chinese Dragon? 

11.02.2021 Missing Number Bonds to 10 and 20
