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Friday 5th March

Hero of the Day:

Purple Mash Spelling Test

Login to Purple Mash and complete the 2do labelled Spelling Test - Friday. Good luck!

Mathematics - Practical activity & Mathletics

As we conclude our current Maths block on 3D shapes, we would like you to complete the following two tasks:

1. Create a cityscape using junk modelling from your recycling; think about how you can use a variety of shapes and sizes to build a city to rival that of Las Vegas!

2. Login to your Mathletics and complete the tasks set to consolidate your understanding of 3D shapes

PSHCE: Healthy Me - Relaxed Vs Stressed

Play this audio file to support your reading of today's PSHCE lesson. Answer the questions and order the pictures to reflect the perceived level of relaxation/stress.

Art: Shape @Robot Art School

For this week's art lesson, join Robot Teacher (RT) to learn all about the element of shape within art.

PE with Joe Wicks

Get involved with the live sessions provided by Joe Wicks at 9am (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) or workout later to the recorded session on his YouTube channel. Follow the link below and get your body moving!
