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General Weekly Information
Contacting Warrender School – Sharing a Concern
At Warrender, our staffing team work incredibly hard to support children socially, emotionally and academically.
As a parent, if you have a concern or enquiry that you would like to share, we ask that you first message the class teacher outlining the area of concern to arrange a phone call or a face to face meeting rather than approaching other parents.
This can be done face to face at pick up/drop off, by telephone call or email to the school office. Following this meeting, if the concern or enquiry has not be resolved, you may contact the phase leaders to discuss it further - EYFS phase leader is Mrs Morris, Key Stage 1 is Mrs Ormerod and Key Stage 2 is Mrs Walsh/Mrs Close.
A polite reminder to all parents/carers that where you have a concern, we ask you to please address staff respectfully, kindly and politely.
We thank you for your support and understanding.
School day Timings - Nursery:
Nursery Holly Morning Session is 8.30-11.30am
Nursery Hazel Afternoon Session is 12.30-3.30pm
Please ensure that you drop off and pick up your child on time. Late arrivals are very disrupting to the rest of the class.
Start of the school day:
Infants arrive 8.30-8.40am Juniors arrive 8.35-8.45am. If you have siblings in Juniors and Infants, please arrive at 8.35am.
Please ensure that Juniors DO NOT arrive at school before 8.35am as it will cause congestion.
End of the school day: Infants finish at 3:10pm and Juniors finish at 3:15pm
Time Keeping: A gentle prompt about morning time keeping - we know that mornings can be stressful and odd occurrences of running late happen, however please do not allow this to become a habit, as it impacts upon your child’s day and affects their attendance record.
Parking: Please do not park across our neighbours driveways when dropping off or collecting your child from school. Please park respectfully and safely!
Bikes and Scooters: Thank you to all of those children and parents that have been walking their scooters and bikes in the school grounds. Please continue to ensure that your children do not ride their bicycles or scooters down the school pathways or within the playgrounds in consideration for our families with younger children, a disability, pushchairs etc.
Cool Milk: Our school provides a milk scheme that is available to all of our pupils. School milk is free for under-5s, and for over-5s it is available at a subsidised price. Each child that registers with Cool Milk will receive a 189ml portion of semi-skimmed milk every day.
For more information on how milk can benefit children visit
To register your child for milk online at
If your child no longer requires Cool Milk please either contact Cool Milk directly if your child is over 5 and you pay for it or pop in to the school office if your child is under 5 or you don’t pay for it.
Absence: If your child is absent from school through illness or for any other reason, please either telephone or email the school office at the start of the absence by 8:30am. This is to avoid any concern that something may have happened to the child on the way to school. This is especially important for children in Years 5 and 6.