Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good Morning,
I hope you enjoyed the end of Beowulf yesterday. There is another part to it which we haven't read where he has to battle his last dragon after having ruled for 50 years.
Today you are choosing which character from Beowulf that you will write about in English.
Whilst in maths, there are 2 groups, however I would expect most of you to do the group 1 work please.
I hope you have your singing voices ready for some music and have thought about any resolutions for the New Year.
Don't forget there may be tasks for you to do on Purple Mash or Mathletics for you to do. I do keep adding to them.
Have a good day
Miss Spooner :)
Today we are going to choose a character that we will write a description about on Thursday and Friday. Watch the video below where I explain your task. All the resources that you might need are below it. Remember you can still look back at the story from Monday and Tuesday.
Group 1 (2 star and 3 star), you are going to use your times tables knowledge to multiply 3 numbers together. Watch the video and do the worksheets as you go along.
Group 2 (1 star) you are going to practise your 3 times table. Watch the video and do the worksheet as you go along.
PSHE - New Year Resolution
Read the New Year Resolutions Information pdf and then think about your own resolutions. Fill in the New Year Phone booklet. If you can't print it off, you could draw it into your home learning book.
Topic - Music - The Anglo-Saxons
Click on the link below and it will take you to a BBC page of songs to learn linked to the Anglo-Saxons. See if you can learn the song 'We are the Anglo-Saxons'. Notice in the song, it tells us what the different roles were for men and women once they had settled in Britain.