Tuesday 19th January
Good Morning,
I hope you had fun creating music with Kandinsky and enjoyed finding out about the Anglo-Saxon gods.
Today in English, you will be doing more work on fronted adverbials (let me see how you got on afterwards).
In maths, more work on multiplication and division.
As today is Tuesday, it's PE and ICT day, plus next chapter of 'The Explorer'.
Have a good day
Miss Spooner :)
Following on from the work you did on fronted adverbials last week, you are going to have a grammar session about fronted adverbials. Watch the video from the Oak National Academy and do the task as you go along. You will need paper and pencil.
Today Group 1 you are going to be working on division of 2 digits by 1 digit, you are going to use sharing and part-whole models to help you. Watch the video and do the worksheet as you go along (sorry he second sheet is upside down).
Group 2, you are going to be working on multiplication of 2 digits by 1 digit. You are going to use your times table facts to help you.
Remember to send it to me on portfolio so that I can see how you got on.
Today, like last week we are going to combine the two and link it with our science topic of Sound. On Purple Mash, I have set 2Beat to see if you can create a beat using different sounds. If you are not sure what to do, click on the play button I have circled in the picture below and it will explain how to use it.
PE - Ladder Workout