Thursday 11th February 2021
Good Morning,
It was lovely to see so many of you yesterday. Apologies for the problems I was having with the internet and thank you to Mrs Budd for filling in for me when needed.
Today you will get the chance to write your own instructions. You have today and tomorrow to write your instructions then make sure you have your introduction, what you will need and your instructions all together in one piece of writing. In maths, you will be shown how to use a fraction wall to help you recognise equivalent fractions. Plus take a look at the PE page for tasks you can choose to do and Mrs Betson has sent through another French PowerPoint for you to look at.
There are a few more chapters to read from our book too.
Please upload your maths and your instructions once you have finished them (that could be Friday).
Take care,
Miss Spooner :)
Today (and tomorrow) you are going to write your instructions. Have your planning from yesterday in front of you as you rewrite your ideas making sure that you are using ordering conjunctions and bossy verbs. Watch the video to see some examples and more details of what you have to do.
You have today and tomorrow to get your writing done.
More work on equivalent fractions. Today you are going to start using a fraction wall to help you solve the questions. Watch the video which explains how to use a fraction wall. There is a copy of a fraction wall under the video with the worksheet you have to do.
Group 2 - complete questions 1 and 2.
Group 1 - complete questions 1 - 4.
No challenge question today.
Another lesson from Mrs Betson for you to do. You are going to be finding out more about France.
Click on the link below and scroll down to find the PSD activities on our sports page. Choose an activity that you can set up at home.
Chapters 14 and 15-17 for you to listen to today. We are getting close to finishing it!