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Monday 18th January

Good morning,

Today we will be focusing on a new Julia Donaldson story... Superworm!

Please watch Mrs Morris reading Superworm and explaining the writing task for today. There is also the Superworm story attached if your grown up would like to read it to you. For your task today, you will be describing Superworm. Look carefully at the picture of Superworm- how could you describe Superworm? Remember the words do not need to be spelt completely correctly. Try to use your sounds to write your sentences (Sooperwerm is sooper long.) Send your sentences to your teacher via Dojo.  


Superworm Story with Mrs Morris:


Superworm Drawing and Describing Video with Mrs Morris:



Watch the virtual Phonics lessons by Mrs Morris and Miss O'Shea. Please send your teacher any writing that you do in your Phonics lesson. These lessons can be found on the 'daily phonics' star on the previous page. 


Please click the link for some free E Books your child could read.



For today's reading activity you will need to use 'Fred Talk' or 'Fred in your Head' to read the minibeast sentences. Make sure you send a video of you reading your sentences to Mrs Morris or Miss O'Shea.

Can you make your own superstorm using a spare sock? Make sure to send a picture to Miss O'Shea and Mrs Morris! Here are some ideas of what you could do...

Get involved and join Joe Wicks session  

Enjoy your day :) 
