Monday 11th January 2021
Good Morning,
Today in English, we will be looking at an example diary entry. In maths, we are going to do some more work on factors or the 4 times table. In topic work, we will be learning about village life in Anglo-Saxon times and be finding out what happens next in our story. There is also some work linked to Sound, our science topic this half term.
Remember there will also be tasks you can do on Purple Mash and Mathletics.
Have a good day
Miss Spooner :)
Look at and listen to the PowerPoint showing you the features of a diary. You have some questions to answer about the diary too.
Today Group 1, you are going to do some more work on factors and finding factors of numbers. Watch the video and then complete the worksheet.
Group 2, you are going to do work linked the your 4 times tables.
Remember you can write the answers straight in to your books.
Both groups I have added a link to a maths game 'Maths Invaders' you can play to practise your times tables.
Topic - History - Anglo-Saxon Daily Life
Watch the video and create a chart showing the jobs men, women, girls and boys do. The link mentioned in the PowerPoint is below. (Sorry you can't see it properly on the video - I didn't realise until afterwards - whoops).
Science - Sound
Our topic this half term is sound, click on the link below to watch the video and do the activities on the webpage.