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Wednesday 7th July

Good morning, 

Well done for all of your hard work this week and for engaging with lots of the activities linked to our new Space topic.

Please find attached the work for today.

Please message me if you have any questions.

Enjoy your day! 
Miss O'Shea and Mrs Morris


Can you practice your counting with the sheets below? 
Can you create your own repeating patterns on the sheet below? 


Watch the virtual Phonics lessons below. Spellings for the week have been posted on Dojo class story. Please practice reading alien and real words… and give the word to the correct alien (Bob or Obb!)

If you are in Miss O’Shea’s Phonics group, please watch: (long oo) 

If you are in Mrs Morris’ Phonics group, please watch: (ch) 


If you are in Mrs Ralfs’ Phonics group, please watch: (oa goat in a boat) 


Learn what a split special friend is Then if you are in Miss Molloy’s Phonics group, please watch: (split special friends o_e)


Please click the link for some free E Books your child could read.


PE: Join in with this fun space workout Space Yoga! 



Can you create your very own alien? Get a grown up to put paint on your hand or foot to make a print. Wait until it dries and then add details to make an amazing alien!


Please find attached some colouring sheets too. Can you write about the Aliens Love Underpants story and send a picture to your teacher? 


Investigation: Watch the video about why do things sink or float... Can you predict which objects will float or sink? With a grown up, can you investigate your predictions? 
