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Monday 18th

Monday 18th January 2021


Good Morning, 


I hope that you had a good weekend.


Today, you are going to learn about Anglo-Saxon Gods and how they link to the days of the week. Take note as you are going to come up with creating your own Anglo-Saxon God this week.

In maths, more work on times tables facts and multiplication.

Have some fun finding out about Sound and enjoy listening to 'The Explorer' which we were reading in class'.

Please send your maths and English work to your portfolio for me to see, thanks.


Remember there will be activities that you can do on Purple Mash and Mathletics too.


Have a good day

Miss Spooner:)


Read and listen to the PowerPoint (all about the days of the week and how they link to the Anglo-Saxons) and answer the questions at the end. The answers are on the last slide.


Today, Group 1 you are going to be given a set of statements/calculations you have to prove whether they are true and false. Group 2 you are going to use your times table facts to find related calculations.

Send me your work in portfolio.


There are also some links to maths games you can play online.

Group 1 - True or False

Still image for this video

Group 2 Related Calculations

Still image for this video

Topic -History - Anglo-Saxon Gods

Watch the video and learn a bit more about the main Anglo-Saxon gods.

Once you have watched the video, choose one of the gods and write down what you have found out about them. (You can draw them too if you want.)

The PowerPoint is below the video.

Anglo-Saxon Gods

Still image for this video

Science - Sound

Click on the BBC links below and do the activities.

Use the music lab link to draw pictures to make sound.



This experiment is inspired by Wassily Kandinsky, an artist who compared painting to making music. It turns anything you draw – lines, circles, triangles, or scribbles – into sound


Listen to the final parts of  'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell.

Chapter 17 - The Explorer

'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell, illustrated by Hannah Horn, published by Bloomsbury