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Friday 26th February


Good morning,
Happy Friday! Well done for all of your efforts this week and the lovely work that you have sent in. 
Please find the activities listed below.

Miss O'Shea and Mrs Morris

Mr Smith will be hosting a virtual whole school assembly at 1:00pm today, please find the zoom link on the Dojo whole school story, if you would like to join. Please remember to not have your camera on, so Mr Smith can record this and post for the children who cannot attend. 



Our new PSHE topic this week is called Healthy Me. Today our Learning Objective is:

I understand that I need to exercise to keep my body healthy


Can you feel your heart beat? Now run on the spot for one minute. Can you feel your heart beat now? What is different? Sing along and dance to Mr Tumble's song about staying fit. 


How many different types of exercises can you think of that can make your heart beat faster? Can you make a poster of all the different sports you know? As a challenge, can you use your sounds to write each sport down? Send a picture to your teacher.







Watch the virtual Phonics lessons by Mrs Morris and Miss O'Shea. Please send your teacher any writing that you do in your Phonics lesson. These lessons can be found on the 'daily phonics' star on the previous page. 


Please click the link for some free E Books your child could read.

Ongoing Phonics Tasks: 
-Listen to our Tricky Words song, can you write any tricky words down? 
-Can you play the game PhonicsPlay online? Which words are real or alien words?
-Sing our sentence song
-Practice writing sentences at home

-Practice your tricky words at home

-Practice your letter formation (please see Phonics section)

-Go on a sound hunt/blending hunt around the house or on your walk 

Please see our Phonics section on our class page. Can you practice your pre cursive writing? Be sure to say each formation rhyme as you write each letter. You could practice your pre cursive using colourful pens or with a paintbrush in sand or sugar or even glitter! Make sure to send a picture to your teacher.

You could choose a page or letter to complete below!


Extra Writing: 
Watch the videos below of the dinosaur in our classroom! You could write a letter to the T-Rex, what questions do you have for the dinosaur? What would you like to know? 



26.02.2021 Storytime with Miss O'Shea: The Worrysaurus

Dinosaurs in Maple Class!

Dinosaur in Aspen Class!
