Good morning Aspen class,
Hope you are all doing well and had a happy Christmas and New Year with your families.
We are sad that we cannot welcome you back today but we have uploaded activities that we would be completing in class. Our new topic is called Creatures Big and Small and is all about Julia Donaldson stories, which I am sure you will enjoy! Each week this term, we will focus on a different story.
Please send pictures of the work you have completed via the Dojo portfolio and I can award Dojos for this. Please message me if you have any questions.
I hope you have a lovely day,
Mrs Morris
Our story focus this week is Stickman. You may have this story at home already, if not you can listen to the audio version online. Please listen to the Stickman story, thinking carefully about what might happen next, who your favourite character or part of the story is. You will also find a Lost poster attached. Please think about how you could describe Stickman. You could even sing our sentence song to remind you about your capital letters and full stops.
Please have a look at our Phonics section on our class page for support with formation rhymes. Remember the words do not have to be spelt completely correctly, try your best to use your sounds. For example, He is long, brown and frendilee. As a challenge, could you describe the other characters too? I have attached some writing frames and a word mat for you to use.
Can you paint a picture of stickman? You could even paint the other characters such as the Stick children, Lady Love or even Santa! Please send a picture of your lovely paintings.
Can you practice your sounds and write some simple words? You could even go on a sound hunt around the house! Focus on some special friends that you may find tricky too.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0 Listen to our Tricky Words song, can you write any tricky words down?
Can you play the game PhonicsPlay online? Which words are real or alien words? https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/picnic-on-pluto
You could practice writing sentences at home. Remember to use your sounds to write your sentence. Sing our sentence song to remember that we need a capital letter and full stop.
I have attached a Phonics reading sheet too. Can you read the Superhero sentences? You can record your reading and send it to me via the Dojo portfolio.
https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/free-ebooks/ Please click the link for some free E Books your child could read.
Myself and Miss O'Shea will be recording some Phonics sessions, which we will upload this week.
We have PE today. Can you do our flower stretches(start as a seed, then on your tip toes, show your petals (stretch your arms) etc.
Find a good space.
Walk on the spot x16 beats
Walk in a circle to the left x8
Walk in a circle to the right x8
Lay down on back get up and jump x2
Lay down on tummy get up and jump x2
Stretch up to the sky and take a deep breath x4
20 seconds of star jumps
10 seconds rest
Complete 8 times
Or you could jump on the spot!
Rest for 2-3 minutes
20 seconds of down ups
10 seconds rest
Complete this 8 times
Or you could step back one leg at a time and back up one leg at a time.
Lie on your back and take some deep breaths.
You could have a look at Go Noodle dances online or Kidz Bop and copy the dance moves!
I have also attached some colouring sheets/ writing sheets for an extra activity, if you would like to complete it.