Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Good Morning,
A reminder that we have our house chats today. A bit earlier than we normally do.
Remember come wearing odd, matching or no socks at all for us to guess which one you have chosen.
Mars - 9:30
Neptune - 9:45
Venus 10: 00
It has been great seeing all the activities you have chosen to do during Children's Mental Health Week.
Today, you are going to start thinking about your dragon profile that you are going to write tomorrow. In maths you are going to be using tenths. There is also another science investigation for you to do and take some time out with some of the wellbeing activities for PSHE.
Please upload your maths and tell me what you discovered in your science task.
See you later
Miss Spooner :)
Today you are going to be finding out about some more dragons and magpie good ideas that you can use when you write your own Dragon Profile.
Watch the video, the PowerPoint and worksheet are below it. Use the worksheet (or draw your own table) to help make notes about features that your dragon could have.
Remember you can also go back and look at the dragons you found out about yesterday to help you.
Tomorrow, you are going to be creating your own dragon to add to the book ‘Viking Dragons and their eggs’.
Today you are going to do work on tenths.
Watch the video, pause it when you need to and do the worksheet as you go along.
Group 2 do questions 1-4.
Group 1 do questions 1 -5 , questions 7 and 8 are 3 star challenges for those who want to give them a try.
PSHE - Express Yourself
I know that some of you have already been doing the activities on our wellbeing page but take time today to do a couple of the activities it suggests. Link below.
Today, you have another investigation to do. This time you will be investigating soundproofing and which materials absorb sound the best. Listen to and watch the PowerPoint and you then record your results in a table. There is also a couple of clips that you can watch too.
Chapter 7 today, remember all the chapters read so far are available in the Story tab on the Bubble Closure Page.